Frequently Asked Questions

We've collected the most common questions about Poise® Impressa® Bladder Supports here. To find a specific answer, click to expand the category that best matches your question.

How do Poise® Impressa® Bladder Supports work to help prevent leaks?

It's important to remember that Impressa® Bladder Supports help prevent leaks - they do not absorb leaks. Impressa® comes in an applicator and is inserted into the vagina the same way as a tampon, but works very differently. Impressa® Bladder Supports do not absorb, catch, or hold urine, rather the product gently presses against and supports the urethra. This provides the added lift the urethra may need to stop the flow of urine that might otherwise leak out when you sneeze, cough, laugh or exercise. Impressa® will continue to support the urethra until the string is pulled for removal.