Frequently Asked Questions

We've collected the most common questions about Poise® Impressa® Bladder Supports here. To find a specific answer, click to expand the category that best matches your question.

What makes Poise® Impressa® Bladder Supports different from other bladder supports?

For starters, Impressa® Bladder Supports are the first over-the-counter internal product in the U.S. cleared by the FDA for the temporary management of Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). There are a few other qualities that make Impressa® unique compared to other products:

  • Impressa® is available over the counter — you can purchase it at the store or online without a prescription from your health care provider.
  • Impressa® comes in three sizes for a more comfortable, personalized internal fit.
  • Impressa® is non-surgical and easy to use — you can insert and remove it yourself.
  • Impressa® is soft and flexible — which helps with easy insertion and comfort while you wear it.
  • Impressa® is disposable — that means no worrying about washing the bladder support; just remove it and throw it in the trash. Do not flush the bladder support.