Frequently Asked Questions

We've collected the most common questions about Poise® Impressa® Bladder Supports here. To find a specific answer, click to expand the category that best matches your question.

What are the potential side effects from using Poise® Impressa® Bladder Supports?

In clinical research, women have reported a few mild and temporary side effects when using Impressa® Bladder Supports for the first few times. These symptoms typically did not last more than 14 days. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should remove the bladder support immediately and consult your health care provider.

Possible Side Effects

  • Small blood spots on the product
  • Mild discomfort
  • Vaginal soreness
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Vaginal infections
  • Increased bladder leakage

The rate of urinary and vaginal infections that have been reported while using Impressa® is similar to what is found in the general population.

To view additional guidelines for using Impressa® Bladder Supports, download the Instructions for Use booklet.

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